On November 15, FIG was on site as longtime client Whole Foods Market Rocky Mountain Region opened its new Denver store at Union Station to packed (and delighted) crowds. In the months leading up to opening day, FIG managed media relations for the store opening, securing nearly 100 local and national print, online and broadcast […]
Faux Farmers Markets
This post was written by FIG’s owner and Chief Fresh Officer, Sylvia R. Tawse. Sylvia and her husband Lyle Davis own and operate Pastures of Plenty, a 35-acre organic vegetable, herb and cut flower farm in Boulder County, CO, complete with a thriving CSA and true farm-to-table catering. As both a farmer and a PR […]
Genetically Engineered Salmon and the Future of Food
The GMO battle has long been raging in the food industry. While the U.S. government and other groups claim that GMOs are safe, widespread consumer and environmental concern has given rise to a powerful anti-GMO movement. Many major food companies have already certified products through the Non-GMO Project and others are looking at how to […]